Thursday, October 31, 2019

Bullying Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

Bullying - Essay Example The individuals may fail to expose the emotional hurt, but this may affect their academic and social aspects. Physical bullying is the most common among schools. This usually occurs when the perceived stronger pupils inflict physical pain to their vulnerable and inferior friends, who are unable to defend themselves. Physical bullying may include punching, thrusting and hitting among others. This may also include destroying an individual’s property (Mishna, 73). Covert is an indirect form of bullying, where the perpetrator spreads unwarranted rumors, reveals an individual’s secrets attempts to spoil another’s reputation. Currently, owing to kids’ adoption of the internet cyber bullying has also emerged. The perpetrators may send threatening messages to the kids, send insulting messages, change an individual’s profile, and post obscene photos to individuals among other forms. Involved parties ought to look for ways of eliminating various forms of bullying. To begin with, they ought to identify the challenge of bullying. The affected children need to report such cases to the teachers and parents for action. Later the perpetrators need to receive immediate punishment, in order to deter recurrence of the

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Work Family Conflict Essay Example for Free

Work Family Conflict Essay Consequences Associated With Work-to-Family Conflict: A Review and Agenda for Future Research Tammy D. Allen, David E. L. Herst, Carly S. Bruck, and Martha Sutton University of South Florida A comprehensive review of the outcomes associated with work-to-family conflict was conducted and effect sizes were estimated. A typology was presented that grouped outcomes into 3 categories: work related, nonwork related, and stress related. Issues concerning the measurement of workfamily conflict were also discussed. The results demonstrate the widespread and serious consequences associated with work-to-family conflict. On the basis of the results of the review, an agenda for future research was provided. Striking changes in the nature of families and the workforce, such as more dual-career couples and rising numbers of working mothers with young children, have increased the likelihood that employees of both genders have substantial household responsibilities in addition to their work responsibilities (Bond, Galinsky, Swanberg, 1998; Gilbert, Hallett, Eldridge, 1994). These radical changes have prompted considerable research related to work and family issues. The topic of work-family conflict has been of particular conflict interest. Recent research indicates that 40% of employed parents experience work-family at least some of the time 1993). Moreover, (Galinsky, Bond, Friedman,  Kahn, Wolfe, Quinn, Snoek, and Rosenthal (1964) suggested that work-family conflict is a type of interrole conflict in which role pressures from the work and family domains are mutually incompatible to some degree. That is, work-family conflict occurs when demands associated with one domain are Kopelman, incompatible with demands associated with the other domain (Greenhaus Buetell, 1985; Greenhaus, Connolly, 1983). Although early  research treated work-family conflict primarily as a unidimensional construct, recent research (Frone, Russell, Cooper, 1992) suggests that it is reciprocal in nature, in that work can interfere with family (work-to-family conflict; WFC) and family can interfere with work (family-to-work conflict; FWC). WFC and FWC are generally considered distinct but related constructs. Research to date has primarily investigated how work interferes or conflicts with family. Outcomes associated with excessive work interference with family include job dissatisfaction, job burnout, turnover, depression, life dissatisfaction, and marital dissatisfaction (e.g., Adams, King, King, 19%; R. J. Burke, 1988; Frone et al., 1992; Greenhaus Beutell, 1985; Netemeyer, Boles, McMurrain, 1996; Thomas Ganster, 1995). Despite the rapidly growing body of literature examining WFC, few efforts have been made to review empirical findings. Over a decade ago, Greenhaus and Beutell (1985) reviewed the studies that had investigated sources or antecedents of WFC. More recently, Kossek and Ozeki (1998) conducted a meta-analysis examining the relationship between WFC and two specific outcomes: job satisfaction and life satisfaction. Kossek and Ozekis work was much needed and an informative addition to the literature. However, there are many additional outcome variables that have been empirically related to WFC that were not included in Kossek and Ozekis study. The  Galinsky et al. reported that workers who started a new job within the past 2 years stated that the effect of the job on family life was second in importance to open communications when formulating their decision to accept the job. Likewise, Galinsky, Johnson, and Friedman (1993) cited a study conducted by the New York Times indicating that 83% of working mothers and 72% of working fathers reported experiencing conflict between their job demands and their desire to spend more time with their families. These findings underscore the importance of the topic of work-family conflict to both organizations and employees. Tammy D. Allen, David E. L. Herst, Carly S. Bruck, and Martha Sutton, Department of Psychology, University of South Florida. Aprevious version of this article was presented at the 14th Annual Meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Atlanta, Georgia. We thank Mark L. Poteet, Lillian T. Eby, and Paul E.  Specter for their helpful comments regarding various aspects of this article. Correspondence concerning this article should he addressed to Tammy D. Allen, University of South Florida, Department of Psychology, 4202 East Fowler Avenue, BEH 339, Tampa, Florida 33620-8200. Electronic mail may he sent to [emailprotected]  purpose of the present article is to fill this void in the literature. This review provides a comprehensive summary and evaluation of empirical research of the outcomes associated with WFC, including an organizing framework and suggestions for future research. An extensive review is needed for several reasons, One area of concern is the l imited amount of integration in the field. The work and family research arena is fractionated because of diverse types of individuals working in it. For example, individuals working in disciplines such as psychology, sociology, business, and social work have contributed to work and family research. This tends to lead to an emphasis on different issues (e.g., sociologists are more concerned with family-related outcomes, whereas organizational psychologists are more concerned with work-related outcomes) without an examination of similar work in other disciplines. As noted by Russell (1991), implications associated with fractionation and isolation are that progress in research and practice is not systematic or integrated. Separate, disjointed theories may develop across fields as a result. This limits the progress that could be made by taking a broader, more integrative perspective that builds on previous research. By providing a summary of existing research organized under one framework, we hope that researchers from various disciplines will become more familiar with one anothers work, facilitating the integration of findings from various subfields and subsequent theory building. Additionally, a comprehensive review of the area should help clarify and underscore the widespread negative effects of WFC. A better understanding of these effects might aid in efforts to manage the work and family interface. Moreover, highlighting the dysfunctional and socially costly effects  associated with WFC may help convince policymakers of the need to provide interventions that can help mitigate WFC. For clarity and parsimony, our article is restricted to a review of the outcomes associated with work-tofamily conflict (WFC). In some cases, results were reported in which researchers combined WFC with FWC or asked about work and family conflict in general. Those cases are noted in the review. This review is divided into four major sections. First, the criteria used to identify articles for the review and to conduct statistical analyses are briefly described. Second, we examine issues concerning the measurement of WFC. Third, we present the results of our review for the three categories of outcomes followed by a summary and suggestions for additional research for each. Finally, a general discussion of findings and future research are provided. Method Relevant articles were identified through manual and computer searches. Computerized searches were conducted through PsycLJT and OVID information bases using the key words work and family conflict.11 A manual search was conducted of all articles published from 1977 through 1998 in Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Marriage and the Family, Journal of Vocational Behavior, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision-Making Processes, and Academy of Management Journal. Additionally, the reference list of each identified article was manually cross-checked for other potential articles. Attempts were also made to locate articles that used slightly different terms such as interrole conflict and multiple role stress1 to refer to WFC. Our criteria for inclusion in the review were twofold. One, WFC had to be a quantitatively measured variable in the study. Thus, we eliminated articles that were not empirical. Two, the study had to measure the relations hip between WFC and one or more variables that could theoretically be considered outcomes of WFC. This eliminated articles that focused solely on sources or antecedents of WFC. It should be noted at this point that the majority of studies in the work and family arena have been cross-sectional in nature, precluding firm causal inferences regarding the direction of the relationships studied. For the purposes of the present review, we included variables that seemed more reasonable or plausible as outcomes of WFC rather than as causes. It is not  our intention to infer that reverse causality is not feasible. A total of 67 articles were located that fit these criteria. Statements regarding significance are based on the zeroorder bivariate correlation between WFC and the outcome variable reported in each study. Except where noted otherwise, relationships cited in text are in the expected direction (e.g., greater WFC was associated with less job satisfaction). Figure 1 provides a framework of the variables included in the study. To provide an estimate of the effect size associated with each of the relationships reviewed, we followed meta-analytic procedures described in Rosenthal (1991). Both unweighted and weighted by sample size average correlations were computed. Only studies that included a zero-order bivariate correlation between WFC and another variable were included in these analyses. In circumstances in which a study involved a sample that was a subset of the same sample used in another study, the study with the largest sample was included in die analysis. An exception was made if sample selection criteria were clearly different. If a study assessed several specific indices of WFC (conflict between parent and worker and conflict between spouse and worker) these were combined to form a general assessment of WFC. A similar approach was used in analyzing several outcome variables. For example, if a .study examined overall mental health and psychological distress, the correlations were combined for the statistical analyses. In studies in which separate correlations were reported for different subgroups (e.g., male vs. female; single-earner vs. dual-earner), the correlation for each subgroup was weighted by sample size and combined. For consistency purposes, we reversed the sign of the correlation in cases such as when a high score on the WFC measure.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Personal Skill Audit And Self Assessment

Personal Skill Audit And Self Assessment A personal skills audit is a very good way for an individual to identify his/her strengths and needs to develop in a healthy atmosphere. It has been proven very useful for people to keep themselves on the career track mainly ambitious managers and entrepreneurs. The personal skills audit depends on the area of business you are working in too and varies with the different areas and environments. Here we will realize the whole idea from the prospective of an individual that how one can evaluate himself in the light of some of major personal attributes and skills required for a better and bright career. The whole personal skills area can be distributed in few sections under which come few questions identifying the presence of that particular skill in your personality through the responses you give against those questions. I have divided the audit in 5-6 such sections naming Ability and eagerness to learn new things, Information seeing skills, Reading and note making, Communication skills , General business skills, management skills , leadership skills etc. now under these sections are the questions against which an individuals response is recorded these responses may be in terms of ratings one gives to a particular attribute that is how important a particular skill is or it can be the other way which I have adopted. Few sections and questions that I have used for my personal skills audit will be presented here to give the exact idea of the whole scenario. The responses are divided in four categories Can do this, need more practice to do this, cant do this, priority of the skill. (How to change careers a personal skills audit) Learning and organization- I plan my strategies to manage my time I am able to work under deadlines I am able to prioritize my tasks and continue learning Communication skills I am good with expressing my views verbally I am confident and have a very little stage fear I am ready to listen views of others and appreciate it Management and leadership skills- I am good with managing my resources and bring the best out of them I work well as a part or member of the team as well as the leader of the team I am good with convincing people and get my work done I am good at addressing and motivating my team mates Stress management- I know what the causes of stress are I know my extent of handling the stress I can use my strategies to handle any kind of mental stress These questions will be answered in the responses can do, need practice to do and cant do along with this they will be given a priority number according to the importance of an individual skill in ones personality. Personal Development Plan Next part is analyzing the Personal development planning which will directly be linked with the personal traits we have discussed above as on the basis of our responses given against each of the question under each section we can figure out our strong and weak points and know what we are really good at and what not which will help us to bring our best qualities out and strengthen them also there might be some attributes of our personality which may be hidden and might come out after this analysis and can be used later on for some good. (How to change careers a personal skills audit) Under personal development planning our first question is- Am I able to identify my personal goals? As we know without a goal a person is nothing but a rolling stone which goes in any direction he is kicked but that only because he cannot think about this we human beings have this ability to set and figure out personal goals for ourselves and make efforts to achieve them. Every individual might have a different goal some of us want to be big business men and some want to be social workers for me it is a combination of both I want to be an entrepreneur who can bring technology to masses and give them its advantage. Am I being able to judge my strengths and area of development? The idea behind the personal skills assessment was bringing out strong and weak points of an individuals personality and finds the scope of improvement in the weak points if any. So its very important to know your strengths and use them in a constructive manner. Am I being able to spot opportunities of learning and growth of my career? This is one very important point for every ambitious individual who is looking to grow the field of his expertise. Spotting out opportunities which can give you chance to enhance your learning and scope to grow your career is of utmost importance in any working environment and should always be kept in mind. Now these questions are needed to be asked in a regular interval of time from ourselves and take the feedback of how much we are following the plan we had set for ourselves. This feedback will always help us to asses us in the light of the goals set before us and give us the exact idea of any further improvements if needed. Overall Progress Setting Objectives The objective one puts in front of himself is the ultimate goal he is looking for but things like this do not come very easily and soon. There is a lot of effort and regular monitoring is involved. I review my objectives and steps I suggested to be taken to achieve the same in every month and analyze the extent I am close to it and what were the right steps I took in this direction and what were wrong. for example if I have decided to read a particular book at the starting of a month and I have spend most of the time in other activities rather than reading that book then at the end of the month when I will review the whole situation it will come out itself that my focus and will power is not that strong and I need to work on that which will help me to achieve my objective ultimately which is reading the book in this case and as this is just an example the concept can be understood in a broader prospective which is career and life. (Business tips and tricks) Learning Style Each individual has its own way of learning and analyzing the information in different way. While most of the people deliver the information is one convenient way still here we will analyze different important and famous learning styles which are used today. There are many ways to classify the learning styles and most of such classifications are based on individuals perception. On the basis of the perception of one such individual we have categorized the learning styles in four categories listed below- Converging- It is based on understanding the abstract concepts and implementing them practically Diverging It is based on coming up with new ideas and seeing things from a different prospect Assimilating- It is based on building theoretical models by inductive reasoning Accommodating- It is based on actively participating in the important ideas going around My learning style among these four categories is Converging as I believe in understanding the concept first and then visualize it in a real time scenario with the help of technical and personal skills I am having. (Business tips and tricks) Lifelong Learning The concept of lifelong learning is not new usually people expect learning to be a source and medium too to build a bright career and earn a pile of money which is not at all wrong but that should not be the ultimate objective as we say its not all about luxury but for the life as well. Four very important factors this whole idea strongly lies on are Learning to know Learning to do Learning to live together Learning to be It also proves the point that learning is an integral part of life not only to earn money but also to live a happy and transient life. My suggestion to encourage the lifelong learning is the same frame of mind which promotes education and learning beyond the money and luxury column and it should always kept in mind that learning doesnt have any age or status bar and it is supposed to move with you throughout your life being a very integral part of your life. Time Management Strategies The major time management strategies I have adopted to achieve my objectives are following with their importance in ones daily schedule. Dont waste time: Seems quite obvious but very important point. I used to waste a lot of time watching videos, checking email often and using social networking websites which consumed most of my time without giving me any valuable knowledge so I decided to quit that. Make a Calendar: Running things that you have to do in your head is not an ideal way to keep track of things it will be better to have a calendar and mark important date in it because if you are free it might be easy to keep such things in mind but once you have a lot of work it is hell of a job and in a fast era like today you are not allowed to make many mistakes so keep yourself updated. Work from anywhere and everywhere: Use online tools like Gmail, Google documents and others so that you can work from anywhere from your computer as internet is available everywhere today it will help you to stay ahead of the curve. Break your work into chunks: Do work in small pieces as it might be possible that you have a little time but a lot of work so you might not start as you cant finish it in that much of time so break your work in small pieces. (6 essential time management strategies)

Friday, October 25, 2019

Internal Medicine :: Medicine College Admissions Essays

Internal Medicine Brought up in semi-urban environment, my parents taught the lesson "survival of the fittest". As a part of such lessons I soon realized the true picture behind, those efforts which made me what I am today. My individuality fortunately rests on an enriched cultural heritage and family values. Entry into medical school was out of fascination for the intricate human architecture and its functioning. A free mind should not be restrained; hence working vigorously I was exposed to the various difficulties encountered by medical students and it was the search for solutions which made me dig out details from medical texts. My encounter with the world of medicine could not deter me from enjoying various facets of student life as I marched ahead to win laurels for my alma mater. Being a part of the team, which performs efficiently with positive results, was a satisfying experience while acting as medical officer at Pramukhswami college. It was a nice experience working as a team with assistants and technicians, helping a fellow resident in other department, assisting during invasive procedures, performing conventional investigations, being on call, attending patients of trauma, all this in harmony with machines and computers. This generated a sense of team spirit and professional coordination amongst my colleagues from different clinical and para-clinical faculties. Sometimes the responsibilities as a guide for undergraduates in addition to thrice a week emergencies was tough, but great cooperation and compassionate approach from my smiling colleagues never let me down. All the efforts seem to be worth when the patient says "thank you doctor" with a smile. The process of achieving better training began at my own medical school and as the quest still remains, I preferred United States for further education and training. This motivated me to pass USMLE at first attempt with competitive scores. I anticipate a career in general medicine. I am eager to maintain my interest in teaching through patient education and through involvement with student training.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Red Cabbage Indicator Prac Write Up Essay

The red cabbage indicator shows how a usual household product such as red cabbage can make a suitable indicator and be able find out if a chemical is either and acid, alkali or neutral. Acids are a chemical that reacts with an alkali neutralising it producing water and a salt. Acids are also commonly found to be sour tasting. Acids react with metals, releasing hydrogen gas and leaving behind a salt they also can conduct electricity. Acids also readily give off hydrogen ions and have a pH level lower than 7. Some more common laboratory acids are Hydrochloric, Sulphuric and Nitric Acids. Sulphuric acids and water are used in car batteries as the electrolyte. Bases or alkali are a chemical that will react with acids and usually have a slimy or soapy feeling on contact with skin. Bases readily accept hydrogen ions and has a pH level that is higher the 7. Bases have a bitter taste and neutralise d by acids, producing water and a salt. Some common laboratory bases are Sodium Hydroxide, Potassium Hydroxide and Calcium Hydroxide. Stronger bases are commonly used today in many cleaning products. Indicators help us find wether if a chemical is an acid or base. The scale that is used to find wether a chemical is an acid or a base is the pH scale. The pH scale gives us an indication of the amount of hydrogen ions and goes from 1 – 14, one being the strongest acid and 14 being the strongest base. Many plants and flowers have natural substances which have indicating properties that allow them to be used as indicators. The red colour of red cabbage comes from a molecule called an anthocyanin. Very acidic solutions will turn anthocyanin a red colour. Neutral solutions result in a purplish colour. Alkalis solutions appear in greenish-yellow. Therefore, it is possible to determine the pH of a solution based on the colour it turns the anthocyanin in red cabbage juice. Materials: ↠ Red cabbage leaves (or red flower petals such as carnation, rose or geranium) ↠ 250ml beaker ↠ Hotplate or Bunsen burner, tripod, gauze mat and bench mat ↠ Spotting tile ↠ Dilute (0.1M) Hydrochloric acid ↠ Dilute (0.1M) sodium hydroxide solution ↠ Vinegar ↠ Distilled Water ↠ Filter ↠ Jar ↠ Cloudy Ammonia ↠ Sodium Chloride ↠ Lemon Juice ↠ Shampoo ↠ Dish washing detergent Method: Part A: Making the indicator 1.The cabbage leaves were torn up and placed in the beaker 2.The beaker was heated until the water was gently boiling. The cabbage leaves continued to boil until the water has been strongly coloured red. 3.The cabbage leaves were allowed to cool and then to be filtered, strained or pick Part B: Testing the indicator 4.The cabbage water was added to all wells of the spotting tile and split equally between them. 5.A known acid and base were placed on a spotting tile on the cabbage indicator. The colour was record. 6.The remaining chemicals were placed on the spotting tile and were recorded as in step 5 Safety Assessment: Hydrochloric acid (HCL) is a corrosive liquid – Skin contact: Exposer for a short period/s of time may cause irritation and prolonged exposer may cause burns – Eye Contact: Exposer for a short period of time may cause irritation and may cause burns. – Permanent eye damage may result. To avoid any contact with the substance wear: – Protective Clothing – Safety Glasses – Safety Gloves (Optional) – Closed shoes – Eye contact – immediately hold eyelids open and rinse eye continuously for five – ten minutes – Skin contact – immediately rinse the affected area under water until there is none of the chemical left on the skin – Contact with any other chemical should be treated as this one. – All protective gear listed above should be used in the experiment in the same way. – Hair tied back – Jewellery to be taken off

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Language Development in early childhood

Language Development in early childhood Introduction Language development refers to the process of deliberate communication using sounds, gestures, or symbols which can be understood by other people (Machado, 1985). Language is double perspectives process which forms the basis for other forms of learning. These two aspects include communicating information, and listening to others (Training Module, 2007).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Language Development in early childhood specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Existing theories acknowledge early childhood as a period during which physical and cognitive developmental processes occur rapidly. These developments form the basis upon which personal success will depend. Language development is one such process that fully depends on the factors presented during this phase of personal growth (Otto, 2010). Stages Language development Children undergo various stages in their acquisition of language skills. The followi ng phases depicts a typical sequences through which the skills develops, although their are diversities in the pattern of growth from child to child (Corporation for National Services [CNS], U.S. Department of Education, U.S. department of Health and Human Services, 1997, cited in Training Module, 2007). Stage 1: concerns a newborn, whereby it responds to sounds including voices through cries, smiles and coos. Stage 2: concern infant aged between 3 to 8 months; the time during which he or she begins to play with sounds, as well as babbling to others in conjunction to self. Also, in this stage language development is expressed through the waving of arms and kicking of legs. Stage 3: concerns children aged between 8 to 12 months and she or he understands and can react to basic words and signs. Stage 4: deals with children of age 12 to 18 months, the period during which a normal child starts to utter basic words and to follow very basic instructions. In addition, a normal child kn ows its name, and can chatter with a sequence of syllables that mimic expressions. Stage 5: concerns children aged between 18 to 24 months old; the level at which a child can construct two-word phrases, and imitate words and gestures of the grown-ups. It can also ask as well as answer general queries. Promoting child language development The process of promoting language development in children must take into consideration the development stage of the child. The following are some of the ways through which a child’s parent or caregiver can promote language development pertaining to the stage of development (Training Module, 2007). Newborn: Reaction to the child’s cries indicates to the child that s/he can communicate something to you and get a response (Lagoni et al, 1989, cited in Training Module, 2007). 3 to 8 months: it is encouraged that during this stage, the child’s custodian sings to the child while changing his or her diaper. Also, it has been discove red that playing peek-a-boo to the infant enhance language development (CNS et al., cited in Training Module, 2007). Also, the caregiver or parent is encouraged to describe daily routines to the child while performing them (Machado, 1985). 8 to 12 months: During this stage it is commended that the parent or caregiver uses the baby’s name repeatedly, perhaps by incorporating the name in simple rhythmical expressions or songs so that she or he can start to recognize it. , (CNS et al., 1997, cited in Training Module, 2007). Also, Machado (1985) recommends giving names to the toys, foods, and other objects surrounding the child. 12 to 18 months: caregiver is advised to entice the child to converse on a toy telephone (CNS et al., 1997, cited in Training Module, 2007). Also, caregiver or parent should present rhymes and finger games to the child (Lagoni et al., 1989, cited in Training Module, 2007). 18 to 24 months: during this stage parent or caregiver is encouraged to talk about the previous day’s events, and what will transpire the next day. Concepts of child language development There are five concepts of language development which emerge in children’s receptive and communicative language processes. The receptive language skills maturity precedes and lay the foundation for the development of expressive language process. The following paragraphs will explore these concepts of language development in children (Otto, 2010). To begin with, the phonetic development in toddlerhood involves their ability to express their viewpoints, and constructions of phonemes. Phonemes refers to â€Å"a speech sound that distinguishes one word from another, e.g. the sounds d and t in the words bid and bit. A phoneme is the smallest phonetic unit that can carry meaning† [Encarta Dictionary]. This concept of language development begins to express during toddlerhood when she or he begins to articulate a range of terms. At first, the child’s pronunci ation is unsteadily characterized with day to day variations, and in some cases shorter intervals. In addition, some variations have been observed between children in regard of the mastering of certain syllable (Otto, 2010).Advertising Looking for essay on linguistics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Secondly, semantic language development in infancy entails initial connection of speech to meaning, conception and receptive semantic ability, direct and vivid events, symbol development signifying speech, and expressive semantic ability. On the other hand, the concept of semantic language development presents between the age 1 and 2. At this stage, the toddler possesses a range of 20 to 170 terms in his or her useful vocabulary. Semantic development depicts variation from child to child depending on their respective familial experiences and background. While the child’s language will undergo gradual transition wi th age, the idiomorphs will still be retained in the child’s verbal expressions. In their hyperactive exploration of their environment, toddlers discover the identity of people and objects (Otto, 2010). Furthermore, semantic understanding of toddles and arising literacy, increasingly progress during the toddler stage of a child’s language development process. Also, the child consciousness of environmental features and meaning, like stop signs, brand on food packets, and McDonalds’s logos increases. This consciousness of written symbols is normally expressed in their behaviors with inscribed materials within their familial environment (Otto, 2010). Thirdly, the concept of syntactic language development on infants concerns the syntactic understanding and story book experiences. Conventionally, infants who are engaged in story book experiences with parent or caregiver get exposed to more complex syntactic arrangement relative those involved in routine conversationa l environment. Noteworthy, as infants approach age 1, their verbal and non-verbal participation increase. On the other side, syntactic learning development in toddlers involves syntactic organization in telegraphic speech, mastering of pronouns, and emergent literacy coupled with syntactic ability (Otto, 2010). Fourthly, the concept of morphemic language development in infants is influenced by phonemic ability. Development of morphemic understanding is dependent upon the skill to identify sound differences related with inflectional morphemes such as; tense indicators, plurals, and possessiveness. Thus, receptive understanding of the meaning transforming features of morphemic develops with the experiences of spoken and read language. In addition, the development of morphemes skill gets clearer when toddlers start to exercise language. This stage is significant in development of morphemic understanding in regard that noun verb compatibility in English impact on the use of inflectional morphemes (Otto, 2010).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Language Development in early childhood specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Conclusion Language development in children is largely dependent on the characteristic of the environment within which the child grows. Experiences of a child determine the rate at which a child develops language skills. The degree of parent or caregiver interaction with a child plays a very significant role in a child language development. Also, health issues can slow a child language understanding. Reference List Otto, B. W. (2010) Language Development in Early Childhood Education (3rd Edition).Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education Inc. Machado, J. M. (2010). Early childhood experiences in language arts: early literacy. Belmont, U.S.; Cengage learning. Training Module. (2007). Language Development of Infants and Toddlers. HighReach learning

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on A Question Of Silence

. Personally, I find this scene to be the most powerful because it makes people question the ideology behind it all. The director brilliantly shots the scene so that the audience does not see the murder, but only the faces of the three women as they beat the shopkeeper. This keeps the audience focused more on the motif behind the violent act and not so much on the drama of the act itself. The filmmaker makes it a point to show the women being silenced in society. In one of the opening shots, the secretary, a woman, tells her boss, a man, about a great idea she has. He shoots down her idea, but then in the board meeting takes full credit for it. She brings to loudly tap her spoon on her coffee cup to let it be known that she is upset. Once again we see her rebelling against the patriarchal socie... Free Essays on A Question Of Silence Free Essays on A Question Of Silence â€Å"I myself have never been able to find out precisely what feminism is; I only know that people call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat.† Rebecca West, 1913 Have you ever taken the time to listen for the voices of women in society? The film A Question of Silence (1982) is a bold political feminist separatist film that unveils the oppressive essence of gender relationships in society. The filmmaker, Marlene Gorris, displays this passionate theoretical and political subject through a story line that creates spellbinding drama with a little suspense included. Gorris used three very ordinary Dutch women, a housewife and mother, a secretary and a waitress to illustrate that this oppression cuts across all classes. Even though these three women are strangers to each other, they happen to be in the same boutique at the same time one day when all the pressures of their burdensome lives have fabricated to such an intensity that they take it out on the male shop keeper and beat him to death. During the incident the women do not speak, they bond with one another through looks not words. Personally, I find this scene to be the most powerful because it makes people question the ideology behind it all. The director brilliantly shots the scene so that the audience does not see the murder, but only the faces of the three women as they beat the shopkeeper. This keeps the audience focused more on the motif behind the violent act and not so much on the drama of the act itself. The filmmaker makes it a point to show the women being silenced in society. In one of the opening shots, the secretary, a woman, tells her boss, a man, about a great idea she has. He shoots down her idea, but then in the board meeting takes full credit for it. She brings to loudly tap her spoon on her coffee cup to let it be known that she is upset. Once again we see her rebelling against the patriarchal socie...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Catnip essay essays

Catnip essay essays Catnip is not only used to help cats amuse themselves; it has many other uses to. It is an herb found in medicines and helps warn off mosquitoes. You can even grow it in your own home. Catnip can help you in your daily life when you learn how to use it correctly. It would be great to grow in an herb garden but, dont mistake it for a weed. Nepta Cataria (catnip) is a perennial plant belonging to the mint family. It is a native of Eurasia that went wild and now flourishes everywhere. It grows about two feet tall and has sturdy stems bearing furry, heart shaped, grayish-green leaves. The flowers are white or lilac and occur in several clusters toward the tips of the branch. Many people like the way it looks and smells and like to grow it themselves. It is easily grown in any garden soil, with little care because it does not require the moisture that other mint plants need. The seed should be planted very thinly in rows twenty inches apart and the seedlings thinned out twenty inches apart in the rows. A bed will last several years. Bruised or recently transplanted plants are most likely to get eaten by cats. The herb is harvested in middle to late summer, late in the morning when all dew is gone. The leaves are stripped from the stems and dried as soon as possible. It is then used for many different types of things. Catnip has many uses; one of which we all know it is a harmless high for felines and is used in cat toys. Loins, pumas, leopards and house cats bite, chew and roll into catnip to release the irresistible, intoxicating oil trapped in the leaves. How ever if your cat eats the stem or leaves off of the plant it will result in behavioral changes making it act drunk or wild. They may also vomit or have diarrhea. Not long ago researchers found out that nepetalactone, the oil that cats react to is ten times more effective than DEET- the compound in most commercial insect repellents ...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Leadership & Vision Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Leadership & Vision - Essay Example Therefore, a vision that mainly reflects "vague dreams" or "thing(s) of imagination" may be detached from reality" (Bogler & Nir, 2001). "Leadership is reciprocal, occurring among people. Leadership is a people activity, distinct from administrative paper shuffling or problem solving activities. Leadership is dynamic and involves the use of power" (Daft, 1997). In order to involve and motivate the employees and to instill a sense of ownership among employees, organizations carry out many activities. Sharing the vision and goals of the company is one of the most practical and fruitful ways of instilling the sense of ownership among employees. This philosophy supported by a visionary leadership builds trust and trust further creates a sense of ownership. In the environment of trust and ownership, overall goals and objectives of the company are understood by the employees in a better way resulting in better performance not just by the employees individually but also collectively by the company or organization. Employees must be empowered to take action based on the basis of their understanding of different situations and scenarios within the organization. This empowerment will develop their problem solving skill and they will become a part of the big picture. This empowerment would not be possible without sound leadership.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Homosexuality & American Psychiatry by Ronald Bayer Essay

Homosexuality & American Psychiatry by Ronald Bayer - Essay Example Traditional Values Coalition (TVC) claims that the removal of homosexuality from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) list is a political decision without any scientific foundation, no more than a victory of harmful â€Å"homosexual urban legends that have infiltrated every aspect of our culture† (TVC). The declaration does not oppose Bayer’s claims directly; rather, the author uses Bayer’s book as evidence. However, it does oppose Bayer’s stance on the changes in APA in 1972, cutting only the most dramatic passage out of the context. From the perspective of logic, this is an example of ambiguity created by quoting out of context (Gula 97). The declaration of TVC cites the passage in which Bayer really describes the behavior of homosexual activists as violent: they â€Å"attacked† APA in 1970 and â€Å"greeted the speaker† on the Association’s conference with exclamation about Auschwitz and the swearwords lik e â€Å"motherfucker† (Bayer 103). TVC’s article covers neither the pretext of such violent actions nor the aggressive behavior of some APA members described by Bayer. Furthermore, the article and the book are parts of the discourses that oppose each other, one claiming that homosexuality is a disease (TVC) and the other implying that this is a variation of normal sexual habit (Bayer). In the TVC article, the following claims about the issue are made: 1) Homosexuality was removed from the DSM list under the political pressure and without any significant scientific support. An instructive example is how both sides of the debate speculate about the lack of firsthand expert evidence from the APA members. To Bayer, Kent Robinson (who had never been an expert in homosexuality) is a disinterested scientist helping the fighters for human rights: â€Å"Since Robinson knew no homosexual psychiatrists, he somewhat reluctantly agreed to chair the gay panel† (104). However, to Socarides, one of the most active supporters of the TVC line, Spitzer’s lack of background in the studies of homosexuality is only the sign of professional incompetence of the APA member: â€Å"Spitzer, who to my knowledge had never previously published a single article on homosexuality or the sexual deviations, had composed a position paper on the meaning and content of homosexuality† (Socarides). 2) The imbalance of power was on the side of homose xual activists (who â€Å"threatened† APA) - hence the â€Å"Trojan Horse† metaphor: â€Å"For the next 18 years, the APA decision served as a Trojan horse, opening the gates to widespread psychological and social change in sexual customs and mores† (TVC). It follows that the change was not relevant to the needs of the society but was only the manipulation of a small group. 3) Diagnosing homosexuality as a mental disorder helps homosexuals. The Accuracy of the Review The accuracy of any review quoting only small part of the source is doubtful at best. The TVC’s review is accurate in citing facts; still, it is entirely misleading about the assessment of those facts. It

Primal Leadership The Hidden Driver of Great Performance Essay

Primal Leadership The Hidden Driver of Great Performance - Essay Example These two factors has a great impact on the overall of a company. For example, a reckless boss would create a toxic organization that had underachievers who did not take opportunities presented before them. The eventual result will be a profit or loss. On how emotional intelligence affected performance, data from Hay Group data was availed. The authors discovered that emotional intelligence was carried thorough an organization similar to electricity through wires. The mood of the executive was contagious and it spread quickly thorugh out the business. It is imperative to note that the mood of a leader and his accompanying behaviors are directly linked to the success of the business. So, his primal task is emotional leadership. A leader should ascertain that not only is he regularly in an optimistic mood so that his followers may feel the same way.Even though some days may be difficult, he should know that primal leadership demands more that putting face, it requires him to determine, through reflective analysis how emotional leadership will determine the moods and the actions of the

Briefly discuss the functions of NAT, ICS, and WINS as well as their Essay

Briefly discuss the functions of NAT, ICS, and WINS as well as their uses - Essay Example It does the access control to resources between computers on the either sides of the firewall. NAT also conserves the number of public addresses used within an organization, considering the economic and security aspects Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) is the Microsoft’s NetBIOS name resolution service for the TCP/IP networks. WINS helps the users to access the resources with NetBIOS names in the remote network. WINS supports NetBIOS over TCP/IP (NetBT). Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) is a feature implemented in Windows Operating system to share a single Internet connection present in one computer with the other computers on the same local area network. ICS works with the help of Dynamical host control protocol of (DHCP) and network address translation (NAT).This Internet connection sharing is done by using a device with Internet access such as 3G cellular service, broadband via Ethernet, or other Internet gateway as the access point for the other devices

Thursday, October 17, 2019

History the world Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

History the world - Essay Example One of the evidences that prove the significance of the agricultural revolution as a turning point in human history is the shift in economic activity that has persisted to the current period. Before the agricultural revolution, man relied on hunting and gathering for his food supplies, activities that required fewer skills that aimed at capturing a target. The agricultural revolution however witnessed improvement in human initiatives that involved development of agricultural based technologies for agricultural practices. These initiatives marked a turning point because they formed a system that has not been replaced but has only been refined and developed towards higher levels of efficiencies. The revolution therefore marked a turning point in agricultural based technological developments in human initiatives (Kahn, p. 12). The agricultural revolution also marked a turning point in human history because of the shift in man’s main economic activity. While the Paleolithic man relied on gathering and hunting, the agricultural revolution made a shift towards agricultural dependence that has never been reversed. Even though hunting and gathering continued, it has never been practiced as the main economic activity as it used to be practiced prior to the agricultural revolution. Another significance of the agricultural revolution that marked the turning point in human history is its large-scale food supply that shifted man from small-scale food generation ventures, in hunting and gathering, to mass production of food that could then be stored for future use. This is because of the low output levels of hunting and gathering as compared to agricultural output that could sustain food supplies needs for longer periods. Such reliance in mass production has been maintained in human history to indicate that i t was a significant development. Unlike

Article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 10

Article - Essay Example The article notes that Just-in case distribution helps companies to reduce the cost of keeping large stock by ensuring just in time supplies. In addition, the just-in case distribution also aids in reducing the cost of transportation since shipping of goods is on demand. The article asserts that the just-in-case plan was a response to the vulnerable just-in-time supply chains. The article notes that just-in-time management exposes companies to a greater risk of running out of merchandise in case of disruptions. Indeed, the article reckons that combining the just in case with just-in-time strategy was a means of seeking to a balance between holding the minimum inventory possible and yet never running out of stock. The just-in case just-in time distribution strategy expands and increases the network of distribution centers hence reducing the distance by moving the inventory more close to the customers. Apparently, the article shows that companies can achieve greater efficiency upon transporting its goods to the customers immediately. As such, many companies seek competitive advantage amidst stiff competition arising in market by offering excellent customer service. Multiple and strategically place distribution channels help in minimizing the time, money and distant spent in delivering merchandise to the customers. However, the article observes that retailers often avoid transporting merchandise to the last miles by directing the nearby customers to collect their merchandise from the nearby shop. From the content of the article, I feel that the Just-in-case  is an effective strategy in supply chain management. Indeed, the just-in-time management exposes companies to a greater risk of running out of merchandise in case of disruptions. I therefore relate the article with the benefits of the just-in case management that allows retailers to enjoy a lot of stability since there is efficient distribution of goods and they do not have to rely on one

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Briefly discuss the functions of NAT, ICS, and WINS as well as their Essay

Briefly discuss the functions of NAT, ICS, and WINS as well as their uses - Essay Example It does the access control to resources between computers on the either sides of the firewall. NAT also conserves the number of public addresses used within an organization, considering the economic and security aspects Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) is the Microsoft’s NetBIOS name resolution service for the TCP/IP networks. WINS helps the users to access the resources with NetBIOS names in the remote network. WINS supports NetBIOS over TCP/IP (NetBT). Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) is a feature implemented in Windows Operating system to share a single Internet connection present in one computer with the other computers on the same local area network. ICS works with the help of Dynamical host control protocol of (DHCP) and network address translation (NAT).This Internet connection sharing is done by using a device with Internet access such as 3G cellular service, broadband via Ethernet, or other Internet gateway as the access point for the other devices

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 10

Article - Essay Example The article notes that Just-in case distribution helps companies to reduce the cost of keeping large stock by ensuring just in time supplies. In addition, the just-in case distribution also aids in reducing the cost of transportation since shipping of goods is on demand. The article asserts that the just-in-case plan was a response to the vulnerable just-in-time supply chains. The article notes that just-in-time management exposes companies to a greater risk of running out of merchandise in case of disruptions. Indeed, the article reckons that combining the just in case with just-in-time strategy was a means of seeking to a balance between holding the minimum inventory possible and yet never running out of stock. The just-in case just-in time distribution strategy expands and increases the network of distribution centers hence reducing the distance by moving the inventory more close to the customers. Apparently, the article shows that companies can achieve greater efficiency upon transporting its goods to the customers immediately. As such, many companies seek competitive advantage amidst stiff competition arising in market by offering excellent customer service. Multiple and strategically place distribution channels help in minimizing the time, money and distant spent in delivering merchandise to the customers. However, the article observes that retailers often avoid transporting merchandise to the last miles by directing the nearby customers to collect their merchandise from the nearby shop. From the content of the article, I feel that the Just-in-case  is an effective strategy in supply chain management. Indeed, the just-in-time management exposes companies to a greater risk of running out of merchandise in case of disruptions. I therefore relate the article with the benefits of the just-in case management that allows retailers to enjoy a lot of stability since there is efficient distribution of goods and they do not have to rely on one

Marketing and Twitter Essay Example for Free

Marketing and Twitter Essay 1. Is Twitter just a bright idea or a real business opportunity? To what extent does Twitter’s situation reflect the past record of its founders? I think Twitter is a bright idea but also a real business opportunity that its founder has been waiting since 1997. Evan William has developed so many different ideas and created some companies which he sold. There are so many similar social networking companies. Although the idea of Twitter is not fully original or new, but it’s a most successful one. The founder takes a unique opportunity while others don’t and he takes risks that others think is impossible. He had the vision and creativity of a true entrepreneur. 2. A). what is Twitter’s Advantages and challenges given it chosen technology configuration? Twitter is an easy-to-use broadcasting system that allows users instant to transmit short message in real time. It just need carry standard cellular phone to tapping out a message. It’s an open source platform while you can restrict the subscription lists to selected subscribers, or leave it open, which allows anyone to sign up to read your Tweets. B). what are the benefits and challenges for corporations looking to use Twitter internally and externally For internally, the employee can encouraged to participated in a group effort to post topic and join in the conversation with the followers, and the corporation is able to get instant feedback from the followers by using informal Twitter polls. For externally, Corporations are using Twitter for a web site targeting a very niche market, this is pretty impressive. There are few ways Twitter has positively impacted on corporation’s brand image. First, use Twitter can raise the visibility in the marketplace. Second, Twitter have enabled corporation to connect with their customers in a way that makes them feel like they are a part of what corporation doing. Third, many people responded that they actively seek out product on social media. Moreover, Twitter can be a promotional evangelist for the corporation. 3. What has been Twitter’s marketing approach to date, and is it sustainable? By the looks of the information from the case that looks like Twitter has reached its limits with the current marketing approach they used up to date. In order to avoid being pushed out of the market, Twitter should build relationships with potential rivals, but not trying to break them. The biggest marketing problem which Twitter faces is adapting their vision and strategy to the potential market. This can only be done if they adapt a stable structure and operating process as much as changing their values according to their users and market needs. 4. Can Twitter ever earn profits? If so, what are the best ways it can monetize? Twitter can ever earn profits if they manage their market growth and service delivering correctly. For outsider, Twitter should consider selling a part of company to a more stable company that could assist them in staying ahead of their future rivals. Selling some rights can assisted them generating income and help them adjust their marketing strategy. For themselves, Twitter can sell advertising space and adding more attractive services to keep the user excited. Also, Twitter should pay attention to some service their competitor focus but they missed.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Greenland Rail Company: Strategic Planning and Management

Greenland Rail Company: Strategic Planning and Management Section One In activity 1, we have discussed the initial parts of the strategic planning and analyzed in depth the current scenario of The Greenland Rail Company. To continue further into the affairs of The Greenland Rail Company, here we shall apply the business assessment tools to arrive at a viable solution and evolve a healthy strategy for it or mend where necessary. The strategic planning determines the core idea, modus operandi allocation of resources to achieve the objectives or goals set in the strategic planning. Every business has its core idea and the strategy to achieve the objectives through operational plans. However to keep the operations on track, we need to have some analytical and monitoring measures. We can call them the business (assessment) tools. The idea of having these tools is minute to minute monitoring of the operations and to see if any action is harming the business or going against the strategy laid down. Here is the list of such tools: Is the strategic planning checked or analyzed on the concept of ‘SWOT’ analysis? Are the strategy and the strategic planning documented? Is there any internal audit or the check list for the cross check of actions with the planning? Is there any effective policy and method of remedial measures stipulated? SOPs are an effective tool to keep every action on line with the planning. All above are absolutely necessary for successful running of a business and more particularly for a business of the magnitude of The Greenland Rail Company spread countrywide by its services and utility to the nation. SWOT Analysis SWOT is abbreviation of four words which in fact gives four dimensional view of any issue or idea. There is nothing new in this. Everybody thinks on the pros and cons of an idea before putting it into practical shape or taking practical step. It consists of: Strengths: Under this heading, we see what makes an idea viable if put in practical shape. It starts from the biggest advantageous point to the smallest strength that the idea may have. Weaknesses: This heading covers the flaws in the idea and whether the flaws can be covered or they will make and prove the idea not viable. Opportunities: Having seen the strengths and weaknesses, does the idea still provide us the desired opportunities or any opportunities. This may also mean whether those opportunities that we had in mind, still exist and it is worth committing the valuable resources. Threats: the last part of the analysis is to evaluate threats to the business idea or the envisaged strategy. It is to see if threats are manageable and can be neutralized with some amendment in the strategy or they are big enough to be really called threats and give strong indications of not committing the resources. Documentation Of The Strategic Planning This is an extremely important tool that will go lifelong and will keep reminding the central idea and the principles on which the business is to be run. This provides the base for generating the operational plans for any new ventures within the existing business. The need for documenting the strategic planning cannot be over emphasized. Internal Audit Or The Check List To Cross Check The Actions With The Planning Internal audit and the checklist are two different things but serve the same purpose. The internal audit is carried out by another official of the organization whether the operators are performing correct actions. The checklist provides correct sequence of actions to be done by the operator. The checklist is guiding method whereas internal audit is pointing out the mistakes. However, both have their utility and should always exist. Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) SOPs are an effective tool to keep every action on line with the planning and in fact operational plan translated in simpler form so that everybody at every level can understand the right way of doing an action. SOPs tell the only way an action has to be done and thatg is the desired action according to the operational plan. Method Of Remedial Measures We can say the last in the series is description of remedial measures. If the SOPs are being followed, no remedial measures are required. They are only for emergencies and accidents. However accidents and emergencies do not occur frequently but remedies should be well thought and well planned. They should be a part of SOPs and be documented properly. In this section we shall see the competitive strengths and weaknesses of the current business strategies. The Greenland Rail Company has: Clear philosophy to provide efficient travel service to the passenger, and, To provide efficient safe and timely transportation of commercial goods. Its strategy is based on the following elements: To schedule its services on the needs of the customers To provide sufficient number of trains To provide sufficient trained staff for operating these trains To allocate sufficient resources for the above To maintain a good standard of its services to attract the major market share. Effective marketing and good customer care service All above have all the strengths and bright chances of success. Despite these strengths it has weaknesses that it lacks locomotive production facilities and expertise, both. This is one weakness that can put the entire plan at stake of failure. However this weakness can be overcome by importing the locomotives in time and by having a good repair and maintenance workshop of its own. Its strengths can be enlisted as under: It can schedule the trains on the needs of the customers It can provide sufficient number of trains It can employ sufficient staff and can train them at its own training facilities It can allocate sufficient resources It can maintain good service standard It can have effective marketing and customers care Its weaknesses can be visualized and enlisted as under: Any breakdown of locomotives can adversely affect the schedule Motivation of the staff can be doubtful and may not prove to be as efficient as ideally required. The competitors, the road transporters can also provide the same facilities with good standard and efficiency. Track needs to be maintained continuously and may not be possible to do it. It is susceptible to miscreant actions and any defect in the track can stop the movement of trains and affect the schedule very badly. The company has single track and lacks the double track facility causing unnecessary delay in allowing the crossing of other train. There can be human error that can cause severe hindrances and even accidents. Despite these weaknesses the company has been running the trains by making an intelligent time table. However the efficiency of double track cannot be achieved by single track. The major problem faced by the company has been shortage of locomotives and making no provision for timely actions. Frustration in employees has been another factor. Core Business Values And Current Objectives Core business values are efficient service for passengers and goods transportation. Safety of passengers, comfortable travel and adhering to strict time schedule are the core values in case of passenger travel service. On the other side, transportation of goods in safe and timely manner are the core values for the cargo service. Its current business objectives are still the same, I e: To operate the trains and make the company a profitable organisation. The costs have to be met under all circumstances otherwise it would not be possible to run the trains under the conditions of continuous loss. The business objectives can only be achieved if there is efficiency in service. It is a circle; efficiency will capture the market and increase the customers and volume of goods to be transported. Low efficiency will cause losses on every side. The market will slip over in the hands of competitors and there will be sharp decline in the health of the company The comparison between the values and the objectives in now lopsided and in unfavorable balance. Values alone can do nothing if not supported by the efficient service. Loss of efficiency will result in loss of customers and cargo and that will push the company towards a sad catastrophe. Presently it is not meeting its objectives and core values are left unsatisfied. Section Two Now there is a need to compare the strengths and weaknesses and develop measures to bring the company back in good health. It may need very critical decisions. It has to do thorough audit and take stock of things. It has to eliminate all negative elements, may be manpower, some trains and some services which are not allowing the company to meet its expenses. Golden handshake, laying off or compulsory retirement may have to be resorted to foe labour turnover and replacing the inefficient and dishonest with better educated, young and enthusiastic manpower. Some sections of the rail service will have to be closed temporarily till the financial conditions improve and expense of less productive trains can be borne. The goods transport service is more yielding, therefore, has to be specially taken care of. Goods trains should be given equal priority and more cargo handling services can be installed for efficient booking, transportation and delivery of the goods. There is a need of job description of each employee and then he has to be supervised appropriately for efficiency and honesty. Options For Future Strategy The Greenland Rail Company has two issues at hand: Future strategy and, Options for the future strategy. Future Strategy Basically it remains the same with slight variation. Its strategy would be: To provide good travel service to the passengers To provide good transportation for the cargo To eliminate all elements causing losses and working against the interest of the company. To evolve efficient check and balance system. To maintain technical efficiency to the state of the art level for mai8ntaining the schedule. There has to be a ruthless accountability of every employee and every system. A very system of accounting has to be implemented. Future Options The long past history of the company has a lot to teach and draw the lessons. It has been running successfully 50 years back and even 30 years back. It started deteriorating in mid 80’s. the reasons could be traced as under: In 1950 it was not in good shape and faced scarcity of resources in all directions. In 1960 it improved its service, by induction of new rolling stock and new generation of diesel electric locomotives. Till 1980 it kept progressing and introduced new services and had better arrangements. However there were major political changes in the country and affected this company also. There is another dimension to the problem as well. It had following factor to affect: In 1950 it had to cater for the needs of population of 20 million people and number of passengers was relatively small. The volume of trade was also not much; therefore it did not have that much stress on any side. In 1960, the need for goods trains increased and population had also risen to 40 million relatively increasing the number of people traveling. Still the company handled the situation in fairly good manner and situation was not that bad. By 1975, the country gone through major political disasters, many resources were lost and the political scenario changed the whole situation in sphere of life. Besides political changes, the population had increased to around 75 million and stress was felt on the rail company. The oil prices escalated and number of passengers had sizably increased and number of industries and industrial unit had also increased. The company had to run the trains under political pressure and losses started showing. Now when the population has risen to 180 million and following g major changes have taken place and all of them have hit the company very badly, sinking it day by day: Oil prices increased tremendously Wages also increased and number of employees increase under the pressure of political govt to provide employment to the people. The operation cost increased tremendously. The balance between income and expense was also lost Company’s debts also increased The condition of rolling stock deteriorated and became unserviceable. The locomotives started breaking down enroute which not only caused the delays and upset the entire schedule but also added to the cost in recovery of stuck up trains. Track needed to be maintained, doubled and new trains needed to be introduced. Cargo handling facilities also needed to be installed at prominent destinations. Nothing was and has been done. Emergence and development of road transport companies has also created lot of competition and snatched a big share of the market reducing the4 business and revenue of the rail company There is a catastrophic scenario everywhere. Some miracle or very drastic measures can only save the organization. In view of the above situation still there is a hope to rescue this great enterprise and restore it to its previous glory. It has following options for the future: Enter into a joint venture with some rail company of another country who is running the railway successfully; or else, Seek the help of govt in paying off the debts. Procure new locomotives, improve rolling stock and suspend service on all unproductive or less productive sections. Accounting system needs to be changed. No collective accounting of all the trains should be done. Each train should be treated as a separate subsidiary company and revenue and expense of each train should be accounted for separately. No loss or decrease of revenue should be shared by other trains. Separate accounting system will exactly pin point the source of loss and reason there of. Criteria For Reviewing The Options Once the options have been analyzed and selected to be implemented, they are to be monitored for strict compliance. A set of rules, and checklist points will have to be framed and made mendatory for compliance. The automatic and most obvious criteria would be results in multi directions. They can be: An increase in revenue Less reports of pilferage and misappropriations Increase in customers and volume of goods transportation. Balance in revenue and expense. The ultimate criteria for the validity of options is volume of profit earned because of the options. Section Three Now we have fair amount of information to evolve a strategic plan for The Greenland Rail Company. It should restructure its strategy on the basis of above analysis. The changes are to be made as under: The basic or the core idea remains same. New rolling stock and locomotives should be procured; or number of trains should be reduced proportionate to resources but the service should be more efficient. All stakeholders should be made aware through wide publicity ensuring a better service The difference should be visible in practical shape rather than announcements only. The increasing costs should not always be passed on to the customers. They should be absorbed by the organisation by improvement in efficiency of systems and plugging the pilferage. Resource Allocation Resource allocation should be in priority as under: In all those areas which are absolutely necessary for provision of service and increasing the clientage. All assets, particularly the rolling stock, locomotives, administrative services get the first priority. The administrative and office expenses should be the minimum. Stores inventory should be maintained at the minimum level or may even be on the principle of ‘Just In Time’ (JIT) No over staffing be allowed under any circumstances. This practice not only increases unproductive costs but also the political inductees cause frustration among the efficient employees. Initially some part of the revenue will go in paying off the debts. Strategic Plan The Greenland Rail Company has the following strategic plan: To revive the company to its previous prestigious position. To provide efficient means of travel to all the citizens with safety speed and in time. To provide efficient goods transport system to the business community. To compete with the road transport industry by efficient services and economical cast to the customers. Vision Statement The Greenland Rail Company is determined to be the market leader in transport industry by providing the best services to the customers at economical costs. We visualize satisfied clientele and satisfied employees to contribute towards betterment of the company and the nation. Our vision is on practical footing and honest effort. Schedule Of Implementation The new strategic plan needs be implemented in the following manner: All operational plans must be reviewed in the light of analysis and new strategy formulated. Overstaffing must be reduced to the right size Trains must be rescheduled keeping in view the company’s present potential and the customers’ needs. Separate accounting for each train be implemented immediately. Monitoring system should be introduced and made more effective. All excess inventory should be first segregated and noted particularly to avoid more purchase and blocking the valuable and limited resources. Start the operation on above outline with a new zeal of efficient service. Conclusion The Greenland Rail Company scenario is worst possible which has dropped from magnificent position to depth of destruction and still striving to regain its position. An analysis has been carried out giving all details and possible way out for the company. Although the difficulties seem very big but remedies are quite simple but need stern action on the part of management. Tough decisions, clear vision and honest effort are the only means available to The Greenland Rail Company. The strongest point in favour of the company is the strong base of business and need for its services. Hopefully it will survive.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

A Comparison of the Grendel of Beowulf and Gardners Grendel :: comparison compare contrast essays

A Comparison of the Grendel of Beowulf and Gardner's Grendel The novel Grendel by John Gardner portrays a significantly different picture of Grendel than the epic poem Beowulf paints. Grendel is a non-human being who posses human qualities. In either story it is not specified what type of being Grendel is, nor does it tell of what exactly Grendel looks like. The only idea the reader has of the sight of Grendel is the small hints either author gives. We know he stands on two feet as humans do, we know he is covered in hair, and we know he is monstrous. Although there are many significant differences between the two stories there is one idea that stands out the most when I read Grendel. That idea is in the poem Beowulf, Grendel is portrayed a large animalistic beast. This gives the reader the feeling that Grendel is solely driven by his animal instincts and does not posses the same thought processes as humans do. For example the line "the monster stepped on the bright paved floor, crazed with evil anger; from his strange eyes an ugly light shone out like fire" (Beowulf line 725), proves this point. In the novel however this point lacks development. Rather Grendel is portrayed as a confused creature passing through life looking for answers. Surprisingly Grendel walks the forest in harmony with the animals. He does not act like the blood hungry beast he is seen as in Beowulf. In the novel -- Grendel is walking the forest and comes across a doe. He notices that the doe is staring in fright and suddenly runs away. One would assume from the ideas hinted in Beowulf that Grendel would have attacked the deer. However Grendel appears upset with the deer's actions. He says; " Blind Prejudice" (Gardner 7) "Ah, the unfairness of everything, I say and shake my head. It is a matter of fact that I have never killed a deer in all my life, and never will." (Gardner 8) Grendel is a confused creature. Since he walks alone he has more than enough time to think about his life. He always used to ask his mother " why are we here" (Gardner 11) the only way he realized the truth was from

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Ebay analysis Essay -- essays research papers

The name â€Å"eBay† ( is synonymous with â€Å"online auctions†. Founded in September 1995, the company qualifies as a genuine cultural and economic phenomenon (Bunnell, 2000, p.vii). The site can be credited with creating and defining an entire industry and has remained the dominant force in the online auction world, with anywhere from 70 to 90 percent of the person-to-person online auction market. eBay is also the 15th most visited site ( on the web. In the face of large competitors such as eBay, internet powerhouse, Auctions (, is battling for online auction dominance over eBay. Amazon is not just a bookseller but also a genuine e-commerce platform for online merchants. With the addition of online auctions to its already colossal department store, Amazon is a major player for online auction supremacy. eBay is able to condense over four million items into thirteen main categories that are quite user friendly (, 2000). They are easily navigated and buyers are able to find what they’re looking for without any troubles. Whereas Auctions can get a bit category crazy. Not only do some categories become needlessly rough (Jewellery), while others are just too general (Tools), but sometimes there is no clear division between subcategories. Take, for example, Home Accessories, Home Appliances, and Household Items in Home & Garden, where buyers have multiple places to look for the same type of item and might miss an auction in which they would have participated. Just to demonstrate the popularity of both sites, below are three searches that were conducted: Search Item: â€Å"Throwing Copper† eBay: 30 results, 7 of which had bids, highest number of bids: 2 Auctions: 1 result, of which 0 had bids Search Item: â€Å"the matrix dvd† eBay: 41 results, 28 of which had bids, highest number of bids: 14 Auctions: 38 results, of which 1 had bids, highest number of bids:1 Search Item: â€Å"the hobbit† eBay: 146 results, 65 of which had bids, highest number of bids: 10 Auctions: 21 results, of which 0 had bids From a buyers perspective, with inventory and selection, eBay stand in a league of their own. Browsing the site for items, you’ll find everything from baby strollers and rubble from the Berlin wall to cutting-edge mobile phones and talkin... ...  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ Auctions: Inventory: 4/4  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Inventory: 4/4 Bidding: 4/4  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Bidding: 2/4 Functionality: 3/4  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Functionality: 4/4 Ease Of Use: 4/4  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ease Of Use: 3/4 Reference List Bunnell, D. (2000), The eBay Phenomenon, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Canada Financial Review (2001), eBay the online top dog, (2000), Review on ebay, (1999), Auctions Review,

Friday, October 11, 2019

Poverty and American Humane Association Essay

You see it in movies, books, and even real life. The cycle of poverty is an endless cycle that entraps those who have become its victims. Poverty has become one of the largest troubles within America today. It repeats the questions of fear, like, whether or not you will have food on the table? Will I be able to pay the mortgage for the house? How can I pay for my child’s doctor visits if their sick? Families who fall into poverty cycle are usually never able to recover, but there are a select few who find a way to strive and leave its menacing hands, through education. There are kids just like you and me, who are living in conditions unimaginable and have to deal with it almost their whole life. Many people fall to poverty because of the loss of a job, expenses, wages, incomes, and other such money problems, but through the success in education they can prevent this from happening. Poverty has become a universal flaw in both our country and many others. Education is one of the possible reasons why people fall into poverty, because many who do not have an education or a high school diploma usually will cause themselves and their families to fall into poverty. According to roastedpinebark at hubpages. com, people in the U. S who have a high school diploma will have a more likely chance of receiving at least $40,000 yearly salary paying job while those who are dropouts would receive a $20,000-$16,000 yearly salary job. This may sound like a lot of money for all of you but really, it’s not. If you think about it on a $20,000 yearly salary you would only receive about $1,666 a month probably barely being able to pay for mortgage for their house, not including water, electric, and gas bills too (roatedpinebark@hubpages paragraph 2). That is a lot of money. What it comes down to is that a good education is a divided pathway to getting an average paying job or ending up in poverty. If a family is already in the cycle of poverty then those kids are even more likely to continue that cycle to their next generation. Three years ago in 2010, the Bureau of Labor Statistics released that â€Å"For [all] Americans without a high school diploma the unemployment rate is significantly higher than the national average at 14. %† (Employment Policies Institute). The idea of never getting out of the cycle of poverty moved me, because there can be kids just like you and me who try and try to do well in school but end up failing. According to Celia Baker on Deseret News posted on October 22, 2012 that â€Å"earning a high school diploma can help break the cycle of multi-generational poverty†(Baker paragraph 6). The reason for this is because of the lack of money, family issues, and their social life. It may not make sense as to why a child’s social life effects their education, but it’s because they do not receive the skills to develop their brains to learn or adapt. Another problem that is found through poverty is the backing of a loving and stable family. Generally I assume all of us have a warm loving family that we have the greatest times with. Some kids aren’t so lucky. When they come home from school they are sometimes abused, exposed to drugs, and some may have no family. I know that without my family I wouldn’t be able to be the person I am today. Our families give us the necessary love and attention we need to function as people. According to American Humane Association, kids in poverty are often neglected and abused because their parent or parents are aggravated with being unable to pay bills or even hold a job. It seems horrid but it’s the truth. If you think about your younger siblings or cousins, if you have any, they want a lot of attention right? I know my little sister does, and if a parent just ignores their child and neglects them it breaks their heart, so they keep trying and trying to live up to the approval of their parents only to get rejected again. According to Dr. ’s Ashlee Loughan and Robert Pern, â€Å"brain growth advances in the first 6 years of life and are further supported with high nutrition, appropriate stimulation, attention, and emotional support† (http://www. apa. org/pi/families/resources/newsletter/2012/07/neurocognitive-impacts. spx). So as you can see domestic life is very important in the early stages of life. Other research has found that the kids found in poverty are not given that nutrition, emotional support, or attention therefore they are more likely to have depression or any other psychological or mental illness. The cycle of poverty causes many problems for people; it is a chain reaction that is impossible to get out of. It affects many aspects of a person’s life and I b elieve it is one of the worst things that could happen. Many students in high school, like ourselves, are faced with the decision of staying in school or having to drop out to be able to put food on the table for their families. This is where the rates of student dropouts increases and many wonder why. Some say it’s because the kids are lazy and don’t care about school, but only a few percentage of them are like that. The other percentage of students who drop out of school that live in poverty, make the decision to get a job just to be able to make sure their family gets food on the table, or even keep the place they currently live in. Nowadays, you teenagers, even me, we take it for granted that we have a home to live in, food to eat every day, a bed to sleep in, and all of those things are just something we expect to be there; and for some it is not the case. Studies shown by Chris Isidore proved that those kids who leave school to take on jobs are more likely to become the 20% of adults who earn the bare minimum under a full time job which is $10. 65 at a minimum wage of $7. 45 (Isidore paragraph 2 & 3). The topic of poverty is sometimes an overlooked topic among students, I believe that it is one that should be more paid attention to; and I believe that there should be a lot more relief efforts to get people out of it. I hope today, that this speech has changed you mind on the topic of poverty and moved you to want to try and help. If so check out to learn more about how you can help stop poverty and get involved in creating a better world (www. peopleagainstpoverty. com). Known to many officials even the President, poverty, is a virus in America that cannot be ridded of until it is right medicine. To help prevent the beginning of epidemics like these from spreading, I suggest you become a good parent when you are an adult, help guide you children, acknowledge their mistakes, help them learn from it, and to create or join any clubs that de-motivate the dropping out of school. Traits such as these will allow your children to strive to do well in school forming a better future for them-selves. To learn more about how to prevent teens and children from going into poverty go to this link and scroll down to the subheading â€Å"What Can We Do? †

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Law Case Study Essay

QUESTION On 1 October, Buyer saw a courier van with a FOR SALE sign that included a telephone number and a price of â€Å"$25,000 cash.† That night, Buyer called Seller. Buyer explained that he would have to borrow the money but could get it next week. Seller provided his address to Buyer and told Buyer, â€Å"If you want the van, mail me a cheque for $5000. Pay the balance by1 November.† Later that day, Buyer mailed Seller a $5000 cheque. The next night, at Buyer’s 18th birthday party, Buyer discussed the deal with Investor. After buying the van, Buyer planned to start a document courier service, and he had spent $1200 on business cards, flyers and a cellular phone. Buyer projected a profit of $50,000 in the first year. Investor was impressed with Buyer’s plans and agreed to loan Buyer $20,000 to buy the van. On 25 October, Buyer called Seller to pick up the van. Seller refused and said someone had offered him $35,000 for the van. Seller had not cashed Buyer’s cheque as yet. Seller offered to deposit the cheque and give him the van if Buyer would pay Seller $20,000 now plus $400 a month for 25 months. Buyer laughed and said, â€Å"Yeah, right.† But without a van, Buyer would not be able to start his courier service. Investor wants to hire you to give Buyer legal advice. Prepare a memorandum addressing the following matters in detail, and including relevant case law to support your arguments: What are Buyer’s potential claims against Seller? What are Seller’s potential defences? Who is likely to prevail in the event this case goes to court? Assume Buyer prevails in his lawsuit against Seller. What damages is Buyer likely to receive from the court? SUMMARY AND RELEVANT FACTS In this case Buyer is plaintiff whereas Seller is defendant. October 1: Buyer saw courier van FOR SALE with a telephone number at the price of  $25000. Buyer called seller later at night and told him that he could borrow money by next week. Seller demanded $5000 by cheque and to pay remaining by November 1. Buyer mailed the cheque. October 2: Buyer became a major. Buyer spent $1200 on courier service advertisement. Investor loaned buyer $20,000. October 25: Seller refused as he had gotten a better offer of $35,000.Seller offered to deposit the buyer’s un-cashed cheque on conditions for the buyer to pay $20,000 for van + $400 for the next 25 months. Buyer refused his new offer. ISSUE(S) The main issue is this scenario is whether it is a valid contract or not. If yes, then what are the rights and damages available to buyer on breach of contract by seller? The following sections of Australian contract law should be satisfied in order to make this contract valid. (see below) These elements need to be explored to determine whether it is applicable. RULE/ RELEVANT LAWS All the agreements are contracts if they are made by the free consent of the parties competent to contract, for a lawful consideration and with a lawful object and are not expressly declared to be void. The person making the offer is known as the offerer, proposer, or promisor and the person to whom it is made is called the offeree or proposee. When the offeree accepts the offer, he is called the acceptor or promise. When at the desire of the promisor, the promisee or any other person has done or abstained from doing, or does or abstains from doing , or promise to do or to abstain from doing something, such act or abstinence or promise is called a consideration for the promise. Every person is competent to contract if he  is an age of majority, Is a sound mind, And is not disqualified from contracting by any law to which he is subject. APPLICATION A contract is formed valid if there is an offer, acceptance and consideration. FORMATION OF THE VALID CONTRACT OFFER VS. INVITATION TO OFFER There are some kinds of activities which appear to be making offer but legally are not, for instance, distributing broachers and circulars, display of goods for sale and advertising. So the seller could raise the point that he didn’t make an offer. He only made an invitation to make an offer. Partridge vs. Crittenden [1968][1] The FOR SALE sign would not considered as an offer since it is an invitation to make an offer. In this case, buyer made an offer by calling the seller. ACCEPTANCE For making a valid contract following elements should be essential: offer, acceptance and intention/consideration (Graw, S. (2002). An introduction to the law of contract. (4th ed) chapter 2, page 94). Buyer made an offer to the seller but was unable to enter into a contract since he did not have money until the next week. But the seller shows a manifestation of an intention that he wanted to accept his offer. Seller made a counter offer by asking buyer to send him $5000 on the same day by cheque through post and the rest of amount until November 1. The postal rule of acceptance is applied. In this scenario, buyer accepted the offer when he mailed the $5000 the next day because this way seller wanted the acceptance. A valid contract is formed which is irrevocable until November 1. [Routledge v. Grant, (1828) 4 Bing. 653] [2] INTENTION AND CONSIDERATION For the agreement to be viewed as a contract, it must either be supported by consideration or be a formal contract. This is the third essential element required to form a valid contract. (M.L Barron, fundamental of business law, chapter 7, page 207) The consideration is this case is $5000 from the promisor to the promisee to keep the option open [Currie vs. Misa 918750 L.R. 10 ex.153][3]. CAACITY OF PARTIES The buyer was minor at the formation of contract October 1. This could be the seller defends against the buyer that he was a minor at that time and the agreement is ab initio since the consideration would not counted. According to the Australian Consumer Law some people are under a disability when it comes to making contracts (e.g. minors); their capacity to contract is restricted. (M.L Barron, fundamental of business law, chapter 7, page  193). Consideration which passed under the earlier contract cannot be implied into a contract which the minor enters on attaining majority. Thus, the consideration given during the minority is no consideration. If it is necessary a fresh contract may be entered into by the minor on attaining majority provided it is supported by fresh consideration. [Lesile V. Shiell, (1914) 3 K. B. 607][4]. The completion of agreement was November 1 and buyer turned into a major on October 2. And both the parties were agreed till October 24. Seller could not accu se that the contract is ab-initio because they have mutual consideration till October 24. It makes the contract voidable at the option of buyer not the seller at the time since the seller is unaware of the fact that he is a minor. But in the completion period buyer becomes a major. Therefore, seller cannot terminate the contract on basis of that. There is a valid consideration from both of the parties- from buyer that he will pay him until November 1 and sellers agreed on it. The contract becomes irrevocable. In spite of whether seller sending the cheque back, or didn’t cash the cheque. He can argue that he didn’t accept it. But the acceptance is made at the time when he received the cheque. If it is a valid contract and someone does not perform it on their part of bargain. In other words, he is repudiating it, and then the words must be certain. When buyer calls the seller he rejected to sell his van. But buyer has an option available to purchase it until November 1. Seller can argue that there wasn’t a proper contract it was preliminary negotiations . He can argue that he made a counter offer. If the case goes to the court buyer will prevail the law suit. Damages available to buyer  Breaches of contract are normally remedied by an award of â€Å"damages†- an amount of money that is paid as compensation, fairly and reasonably considered to arise naturally from the breach itself. It is reasonably supposed to have been in the contemplation of both parties at the time they made the contract, as the probable result of the breach (Gillies, P. (2004). Business law. (12th Ed.) Chapter 8, page 325). If the court gives decision in favour of buyer and it concludes that the contract is valid. Then buyer can sue the seller and immediately return of his $5000 cheque and for any actual, consequential and special damages [Hadley vs. Baxendale][5]. In  order to obtain consequential damages seller must have known about the losses that are caused by his breach. Buyer will argue that he has lost $1200 on cards, flyers and cell phone call as well as $50,000 that he can generate annually from that van. Seller could argue that buyer is not entitled for these damages since there is nothing mention in the contract retaining to these loses. The court will favour seller over here since it is not a unique van that buyer cannot do the business without it. When a contract has been broken, the injured party can recover from the other party such damages as naturally and directly arose in the usual course of things from the breach. This means that the damages must be the proximate consequence of the breach of contract. These damages are known as ordinary and/ or actual damages. Buyer can sue for actual damages, which would be the difference in price of the van and the comparable prevailing price in market. He can also obtain the special damages which would be costs curtailing from the breach like wastage of time and money from searching a new one. CONCLUSION Seller made an inviting gesture for an offer for his good. Buyer made an offer by calling the seller for his good; however he could not enter the contract for lack of money. Seller made a counter offer by asking for a mailed $5000 cheque. Buyer accepted the offer and therefore got into contract. The contract was made on the 2nd of October, one day before the buyer became a major, and was standing until the 1st of November, before which the seller backed out of the contract at the 25th of October. Seller may argue that the contract was not ab initio as the buyer was a minor at the time of contract. However, the buyer may argue that since the seller agreed to the contract, by accepting the mailed cheque, after the buyer was a major the contract is not ab initio and in fact does exist. In case the case goes to court the buyer will prevail in the law suit as the injured party. REFERENCES TEXT BOOK (Graw, S. (2002). An introduction to the law of contract. (4th ed) chapter 2, page 94) (M.L BARRON, fundamental of business law, chapter 7, page 207) (M.L Barron, fundamental of business law, chapter 7, page 193) (Gillies, P. (2004). Business law. (12th Ed.) Chapter 8, page 325) Gibson, A. and Fraser, D, (2007). Business law (3rd ed.) Chapter 7, page 293 CASES Partridge vs. Crittenden [1968][1] Partridge v Crittenden was a landmark 1968 British Court ruling that set legal precedent in that country. The case focused on the nature of advertisements in regard to the obligation of those who post them. Specifically, this case involved the sale of a bird, which the buyer, Crittenden, claimed was misrepresented in the ad. While Partridge initially lost the case, he later won on appeal. The significance of this ruling relates not to the sale of birds in particular, but whether an ad is an offer for sale or an ‘invitation to treat. [Routledge v. Grant, (1828) 4 Bing. 653] [2] Defendant (D) offered to buy plaintiff’s (P) house for a specific price with a definite answer to be given within six weeks. D was not bound to keep the offer open Best CJ if six weeks are given on one side to accept an offer, the other has six weeks to put an end to it. One party cannot be bound without the other. Currie vs. Misa [1875] L.R. 10 ex.153][3] Even relatively trivial things can be sufficient consideration e.g. chocolate wrappers but a promise not to bore someone cannot, because it has no value. [Lesile V. Shiell, (1914) 3 K. B. 607][4]. Defendant obtained loans from plaintiff by fraudulently misrepresenting that he was of full age at the time of contract. Defendant sued him to recover the money. [Hadley vs. Baxendale][5] A shaft in Hadley’s (P) mill broke rendering the mill inoperable. Hadley hired Baxendale (D) to transport the broken mill shaft to an engineer in Greenwich so that he could make a duplicate. Hadley told Baxendale that the shaft must be sent immediately and Baxendale promised to deliver it the next day. Baxendale did not know that the mill would be inoperable until the new shaft arrived. Baxendale was negligent and did not transport the shaft as  promised, causing the mill to remain shut down for an additional five days. Hadley had paid 2 pounds four shillings to ship the shaft and sued for 300 pounds in damages due to lost profits and wages. The jury awarded Hadley 25 pounds beyond the amount already paid to the court and Baxendale appealed.